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This Week in Gaming (Week 10)
This Week in Gaming (Week 10)

Welcome to the month of March and a week when almost every single new game launches on a Thursday. This week's major release is a new 5v5 FPS shooter set in a Sci-Fi world. This is followed by alien planet colony management, a spot of museum curation, working as a car mechanic, doing battle with your best buddy in multiple imaginary worlds, with the week finally ending with some more co-op action, but puppet sized. We have four more games included at the end, but that's only a few of the games launching this Thursday.

FragPunk / This week's major release / Thursday 6 March
FragPunk is a fast-paced 5v5 hero shooter with powerup cards that change the rules of each round. Choose your hero, your weapons, and pick from a selection of cards that dramatically change the rules of engagement. Steam link Read full story

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This Week in Gaming (Week 10) - by TechMaster89 - Yesterday, 09:31 PM

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